Give us your name, age & current QBC division?
I’m Lily Macdonald, 19 years old and I compete in the B grade division
How many years have you been in QBC?
I’ve been in QBC since I was about 10 years old, starting in the u14s then the junior women’s and now B grade
What’s your best Queeny surfing memory?
My best Queenie surf memory has got to be surfing pumping Queenscliff with Sage Erickson, who is one of my family friends and idols! Sharing my local line up with her multiple times is such a cool feeling!
What is your favorite QBC moment?
My best QBC memory is getting my first 10 point ride in the Junior Women’s final a few years ago! That was pretty awesome
What board are you riding at the moment?
I’m currently riding a 5’7 Stacey rounded pin tail short board! I also love riding my bright pink bullet twin from Stacey as well when the waves are a bit smaller!
Who is the biggest gumby?
Gotta say I think my Dad, Alex Mac, takes the biggest gumby award. Never met someone who froths the queenie left shorey as much as him!
Queeny Right Shorey or Queeny Left Shorey?
Queenie Right Shorey all the way!
Finish this sentence. Gumby loves ….
Gumby loves when the surfs pumping, winds offshore and suns shining, those days are the best!